Hi there, Budapest is the place where you have great thermal spa and enjoy this kind of pastime. The next issue that might pop-up into your mind if you are destined for one of the most popular Spas like Széchenyi or Gellért, is what on can they wear. But, no need to worry we are here to help out. Let’s be honest, no handbook can prepare you for Budapest baths etiquette, but read on and we’ll guide you through as far as the best way to dress is concerned.
1. Swimwear Essentials
A look at swimwear shows that Budapest baths are fairly liberal in that regard. You have a few choices:
One-piece swimsuits: These are traditional and commonly appreciated designs for men as well as women.
Bikinis: If you would like a two piece for the woman, then it is possible to go for bikini.
Trunks or swim shorts: As for t-shirts, men can wear them, if only suitable for swimming gear such as trunks or swim shorts.
2. Bring a Towel
In Budapest baths, however, towels are mandatory. The following are some of why they are necessary for use they include; drying process after a bath and wading off between you and the loungers. Some of the baths also provide towel rental services but bringing your own towel is advantageous in that the facility is always available and affordable.
3. Flip Flops or Water Shoes
Barefoot is prohibited when walking around the baths so it’s advisable to wear flip flops or water shoes. They will prevent your feet from slipping and will also create clean environment. Make sure you choose shoes that are water proof and do not slip on the feet.
4. Additional Items to Consider
Here are a few extras you might want to pack for your Budapest bath experience:
Swim cap: Some baths for hair require that one wear a swim cap especially if he or she has long hair.
Robe or cover-up: Cover, or robe can be useful when going from one part of the bath complex to another.
Waterproof phone pouch: Whenever you need to take a picture or want to listen to music, a waterproof phone pouch is going to protect your phone.
5. What Not to Wear
While Budapest bath dress codes are generally relaxed, there are a few things you should avoid:
Underwear as swimwear: Swimwear cannot be worn otherwise regular underwear has to be worn during the games.
Street clothes: It is forbidden to take a bath, wearing jeans or t-shirts because they may affect the cleanliness of the baths.
6. Additional Tips
Now that you know what to wear, here are a few extra tips to enhance your Budapest bath experience:
Bring a lock: There are lockers in most baths so you can leave your belongings and you should bring your own lock in order to secure it.
Shower before entering: In the interest of hygiene, you need to take a shower for a few minutes before getting into the bath tubs.
Stay hydrated: People should take a lot of water as far as eating is concerned because the thermal waters are quite warm. Carry a water bottle with you and be sure to take time to drink the water in-between your time of visiting.
Respect the rules: This simply means that Budapest baths also working with policies that will enhance the comfort of all people. In order to do this ensure that you follow any rules that may be laid down to enhance your experience.
Now that you are ready, let yourself relax in the thermal sparth of Budapest and discover iconic baths. You travel with your swim suit, a towel, and a pair of flip flops, and that’s it – your vacation starts to look very promising!