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Best Places to Go in Red Light District Amsterdam

Amsterdam can also be closely associated with one of the most famous Red light districts all around the world. For the historian, the visitor on a cultural safari, or is just plain horny, there is something to do and see in the Red Light District. In this blog post, I will discover the places of interest which can be found in this famous area.


1. Black Light Red Light District Museum in Amsterdam

Amsterdam Red Light Secrets Museum is an exceptional place targeted at those who want to see the pros and cons of prostitution as it is situated in the center of the district. The stories about daily life of sex workers; history of Fuziminhin; and measures that are taken to protect the latter are revealed by means of technologies of interactive communication. What it offers is an eye opener and also quite informative.


2. Oude Kerk

The Oude Kerk which translates to Old Church is the oldest structure in Amsterdam and definitely worth a visit in the Red Light District. This beautiful church is much more than just an 800-year-old Gothic church; it also houses modern art installation today. Picking it for your wedding venue you can enjoy the beautiful look of the church and the division between the old and the new.


3. Casa Rosso

For the people who desire to spend an evening in the adult manner, Casa Rosso is out rated night club located in the Red Light District. This legendary theatre features actual live performances such as erotic dancing as well as comedy. Since its inception, it has been holding tours for more than fifty years and continues to be popular among the nosher district revellers.


4. De Wallen

De Wallen is the largest street in the Red Light District and the center of gravity around which life in the district rotates around the clock. Here you can simply take a leisurely stroll on the narrow streets and make a look at the ‘window prostitutes’ lit in red. As for the visitors’ restrictions and regulation, it should be mentioned that taking photographs is forbidden in the area.


5. Sex Worker Information Center

For a more elaborate insight of the sex industry and experiences of sex workers, one should visit the Sex Worker Information Center. For this reason, it enables discourses and other resources and services to sex workers at the center. Talk to the friendly staff around and see them share their firsthand experiences.


6. Chinatown

Located near the Red Light District, the Chinatown in Amsterdam is now the lively area with an abundance of great eating places. So, after the rather exotic flavor of the district, it is worth taking a short walk to the Chinese quarter, and treat yourself to Chinese delicacies or play mas under the cup of tea.


7. Cannabis Coffeeshops

The Netherlands is particularly permissive regarding the use of cannabis and in the Red Light district, it is possible to buy and even transporting weeds in coffee shops. So sit back and take it easy and take in the relaxed atmosphere as you indulge on some of the best quality weed around.



The Red Light District in Amsterdam can be as informative as it is entertaining as it can comprise museums, strip clubs, and all types of bars. In its entirely, the website contains not only information about the history and the traditions of the district but also some entertainment. Make sure to be open-minded and tread lightly because it is a local site.






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