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How Old to Go Clubbing in Amsterdam: A Guide for Beginners

Amsterdam is famous for its nightlife, and many guests want to see the nightlife clubs in the city. If you are interested in the legal age for going clubbing in Amsterdam then this guide is for you. Here are all the need-to-know details for getting through the nights in the city both safely and legally.

Currently the legal drinking age in Amsterdam is 18 years.

To begin with, let’s focus on the legal maximum age to purchase alcohol; this is a legal requirement and restriction for club entrée myself excluded. The legal drinking age in the Netherlands is still eighteen years of age. This practically means that one must be eighteen years plus to be able to buy and consume alcohol in club and bar businesses all over the city.

Standard concerning the Age Limits of Members in the Club

In as much as clubs are present in Amsterdam, the age limits on entry are not equal across the board. Although legally, catering services permit their customers to purchase and consume alcoholic beverages at the age of 18, some clubs have set a higher bartending age to suit their clientele or the kind of functions they host. Nevertheless, the majority of the clubs admit persons regardless of their age with the minimum age being eighteen years.

Of course, certain clubs can have a policy of legal age restriction for particular days or weeks, so it is better to consult the site of the club or get in touch with them directly with the help of a phone call or in writing to stumble upon the latest information.

Valid Identification

This is a very important tip because when going clubbing in Amsterdam, you will need to produce a form of identification. This is because legally any club and bar is obliged to make sure of the age of their clients before serving them beverages. Despite the fact that you ought to be above 18, you may be often required to produce identification to establish your age.

The usual type of identification usually include a passport, driver’s license or a national ID card. You have to present the original document as photocopies or images of IDs may not be allowed.

Jobber for clubbing in Amsterdam

Now that you know the basics, here are some additional tips to enhance your clubbing experience in Amsterdam:

Arrange your proper outing schedule and also do a little internet surfing about the kind of clubs that interest you. None of the clubs is similar to the other in terms of the type of music played, the clients that patronize each club.

First come, first served is usually the order of the day hence plan to get to the location early enough so that you can be among the first to be admitted in then there is the assurance of not wanting for a long time while waiting for other people to leave. I have realized that Amsterdam clubs can be very full sometimes, especially on week ends and on events like this.

The club has a certain dress code clients should adhere to while in the club. While some of these clubs do allow patrons to wear casual wear some do have very strict codes regarding dresses codes hence it is important that those planning to visit any of these clubs should take their time and check the club’s website so that they are not denied entry by the bouncers.

Buses and cabs should be used in order to transport you to the clubs. Public transport is well developed in Amsterdam, and it has night buses so getting around the city is not at all a problem.

Don’t drink much and better yet try to avoid taking alcohol completely. Liquor can be purchased easily in Amsterdam because people are relatively free to buy it, but people should watch out for themselves at night and ensure they drink enough water.

In Conclusion

It is quite fun to go clubbing at night in Amsterdam is a thrilling experience. Whether you are above 18 years of age and possess a.. valid I.D , then night life is something you can fully explore in the city. It is also important to note the following while participating regaring the club; Have Fun, Safety, and Club Regulation &Discipline. Have fun on Amsterdam night clubs!





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